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Sherene has plans for her third term...

Sherene's vision

Licensed Professionals

Addressing challenges and creating opportunities for Indiana County

I have lived and worked in Indiana for over 30 years. While I have accomplished much in my first two terms as your commissioner, there is more to do. Many of our friends and neighbors still face persistent and significant challenges including child poverty, food and housing insecurity, lack of clean drinking water and sewerage disposal. There are workforce needs, and an enduring existence of substance use disorders and mental health illness, which are increasingly overwhelming families, individuals, and the courts and corrections system. 

“As Indiana County Commissioner, I have worked tirelessly for all the people of Indiana County.”

Commitment to community

Dedicated leadership: A track record of public service

“When re-elected for a third term, I will continue to work to find solutions for today and tomorrow!”

Confronting these challenges while growing our economy requires a dedicated, experienced, knowledgeable, and connected leader. I will use my many years of work in public service and the federal and state relationships that I have built for the county to tackle the challenges and bring opportunities to the people of Indiana County.

Diverse achievements in public service

Licensed Professionals

A legacy of economic, infrastructure, and community growth

I am proud of my work in economic development; infrastructure coordination; community planning and educational advancement; agriculture, forestry, and food systems support; the advancement of business and industry; and outdoor recreation and tourism initiatives.

“I will continue to invest in our communities and advocate for the opportunities that regional competitiveness will bring.”

Supporting our community through challenging times

Addressing pandemic-related hardships

“I raised four school-age sons after the unexpected death of my husband. I value the safety net that helped my family get through those
difficult years.”

Additional concerns include addressing the everyday needs of our neighbors, especially those who are still facing acute economic hardship because of the pandemic.  In 2020 and 2021, I heard from many people expressing their pressing challenges including the lack of food, fear of not being able to pay the rent or utilities, and the tribulation of finding quality childcare. Indiana County provided services that helped thousands with supports and services during the pandemic. However, our families, working parents, small businesses, and schools as well as local governments and our 38 municipalities are still in need of assistance.

Dedication to serving Indiana County residents

Licensed Professionals

Committed to compassion and integrity in public service

I am dedicated to preserving these services to help others facing difficult times in their lives. I also understand the need to make the most with what you have. I believe in Indiana County. In 2015, I was elected to serve you as Indiana County Commissioner; and I was re-elected in 2019. I am committed to continue serving with compassion, dedication, and integrity.

I am always interested in what you have to say.


Please feel free to contact me at (724) 762-4162 or send me a message.

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